Lijin Zhang

Welcome to my website! I am a Ph.D. Candidate in Developmental and Psychological Science at Stanford University, advised by Professors Ben Domingue and Jason Yeatman. I am also a Ph.D. Scholar at Stanford Data Science, with my research being supported by the SDS Fellowship.

I was trained in Statistics at Stanford University (M.S. in Stats, expected 2026) and in Psychology at Sun Yat-sen University (M.S. and B.S. in Psych). Prior to Stanford, I have worked on Bayesian analysis, structural equation modeling, and network analysis with Professors Junhao Pan, Edward Ip, Xinya Liang, and Johnny Zhang.

Research Interests in Psychometrics

Evaluating and improving the generalizability of Structural Equation Models.

Identifying model violations in factor analysis, primarily using the Bayesian Lasso.

Other statistical techniques for psychological and educational research, such as network analysis and item response models.


lijinzhang [at] stanford [dot] edu

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  • [02/2025] Our paper "Bayesian Growth Curve Modeling with Measurement Error in Time" is accepted by Multivariate Behavioral Research [Impact Factor: 5.3, Q1].
  • [02/2025] Our paper "Polytomous Explanatory Item Response Models for Item Discrimination: Assessing Negative-Framing Effects in Social-Emotional Learning Surveys" is accepted by Behavior Research Methods [IF: 7.2, Q1].
  • [11/2024] I received the Collaborative Learning Fund Award ($1,050) from Stanford GSE for a joint proposal with Shuman.
  • [10/2024] I was admitted to the M.S. in Statistics Program at Stanford.
  • [10/2024] Our paper "A Tutorial on Bayesian Structural Equation Modeling: Principles and Applications" is accepted by International Journal of Psychology [IF: 3.3, Q1].
  • [08/2024] I received the Stanford Data Science Fellowship, an honor given to ~15 recipients annually across the campus, which will support my stipend and research (~$100,000) for the next two years.
  • [08/2024] Our paper "A Technology Acceptance Model to Predict Anesthesiologists’ Clinical Adoption of Virtual Reality" is accepted by Journal of Clinical Anesthesia [IF: 5.0, Q1].
  • [05/2024] I completed the qualifying paper defense and have advanced to candidacy.
  • [11/2023] Our paper "Testing Informative Hypotheses in Factor Analysis Models using Bayes Factors" is accepted by Psychological Methods [IF: 11.5, Q1].
  • [07/2023] Our paper "Variety and Mainstays of the R Developer Community" is accepted by R Journal [IF: 5.2, Q1].
  • [04/2023] Our paper "Bayesian Regularization in Multiple-Indicators Multiple-Causes Models" is accepted by Psychological Methods [IF: 11.5, Q1].